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Group Two Adjective Clauses

Let's now turn our attention to group two sentences which consist of Subject-Subject and Object-Subject adjective clause sentences. Let's look at an example, and identify the verbs and subjects.

   For example:  

The Subject-Subject sentence gets its name from the fact that in the place where the independent clause and adjective clause meet for the first time, we have a subject next to another subject.

Now let's take a look at the second type of clause in group two, the Object-Subject sentence, with an example.

   For example:  

After identifying the subjects, verbs, and objects, we can find the independent clause and the adjective clause. We can also see that the object of the independent clause is directly next to the subject of the adjective clause; thus giving the sentence its name. As with group one clauses, the key difference is not the actual adjective clause, but where it is in the sentence. At this point we have the basic format for group two clauses, and can simply substitute in other relative pronouns to describe things, places, and times.

*[Note: Group One AC's use the following relative pronouns: who, which, that, & whose. Since the relative pronoun is always a subject or part of a subject (like with whose), there are no objects of prepositions, so no need for where, when, & why.]

Reducing & Fronting Group Two Sentences:

Like those in group one, group two clauses can be shortened in a variety of ways which can be grouped into three categories.
  • be + preposition
  • appositives
  • present participle adjectives
be + preposition:

Group two adjective clauses that contain a be verb followed by a preposition can be reduced simply by deleting the relative pronoun and the be verb. In fact, this is the origin of all prepositional phrases.

   For example:  

Like all prepositional phrases, the one in our example can be placed at the front of the sentence [fronted] though the possibility for a certain degree of ambiguity & lack of clarity comes along with this decision. For instance,...

          In the park, the man is an old friend from school.

...could imply that the man is an old friend only when he is in the park. Such ambiguity is usually rendered a non-issue when adjective clauses are used within a larger context like a story or academic paper as the context makes the meaning clear. This is yet another argument for teaching/practicing grammar in context.


page last modified: March 3, 2021

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